
Eliminating build servers with Azure Container Registry

Currently I use an Azure Linux Webapp with a custom container to host one of my web apps. The build & release process looks like this: commit code to the master branch of a github repository CI build in VSTS builds docker image & pushes it to Docker Hub CD release in VSTS updates the container image for the Web App in Azure When I saw this tweet I knew that this process could be simplified: [More...]

Will Azure App Services updates break my apps?

During a web app migration project our customer had questions about breaking changes introduced by Microsoft during maintenance of the Azure App Service infrastructure. The pleasant thing about Platform as a Service is, that you don’t have to worry about the underlying operating system and its components. But Azure still runs on servers that must be patched so this is a valid concern. A quick search on google produced a forum post by Cristhian Uribe that confirmed my initial assumption: Microsoft will not update the platform (i. [More...]

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